Category Archives for ImpActa Kids Foundation


Manny y su compromiso de aportar a su comunidad

Manny y su compromiso de aportar a su comunidad

“El que vive y muere sin impactar la vida de los demás, fue como si no existiera”, es la frase que sobresale en la entrada de Complejo Deportivo y Educativo Manny Acta, ubicado en la…

Manny Acta ayuda a cientos de niños a través de ImpACTA Kids Foundation

Uno de los nombres más sonoros e importantes en la actualidad del béisbol dominicano es el del nativo de Consuelo, San Pedro de Macorís, Manny Acta. El petromacorisano es conocido por ser el gerente general de…
Manny Acta helps hundreds of children through the ImpACTA Kids Foundation

Manny Acta helps hundreds of children through the ImpACTA Kids Foundation

One of the most resounding and important names in Dominican baseball today is that of the native of Consuelo, San Pedro de Macoris, Manny Acta. The petromacorisano is known for being the general manager of…
ImpACTA Kids delivers food rations in Consuelo

ImpACTA Kids delivers food rations in Consuelo

SAN PEDRO DE MACORÍS ( – The ImpACTA Kids Foundation delivered food rations to more than 100 coaches from different disciplines this Thursday in the Municipality of Consuelo to help combat the current pandemic outbreak…
ImpACTAkids continues to help, now to Little League Coaches

ImpACTAkids continues to help, now to Little League Coaches

This Monday, June 1st, the ImpACTAkids Foundation made one of three deliveries that will take place in the Municipality of San Pedro de Macoris. Today it was the sector of Villa Olimpica, where the Little…